Publikationen von ZB-Mitarbeitenden

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  • Vorschaubild
    Frühe italienische Zeitungen in der Zentralbibliothek Zürich
    Frühe italienische Zeitungen in der Zentralbibliothek Zürich
    (Olschki, 2022) Scheidegger, Christian
    La Zentralbibliothek di Zurigo possiede due volumi d’antologia contenenti numerosi fascicoli di antichi giornali italiani, oltre stampe italiane su foglio volante e altri stampi italiani, soprattutto comunicati ufficiali e notizie politiche. Essi contengono un totale di 310 numeri delle Gazzette di Milano (1642-1649) e 90 numeri di altri giornali italiani degli anni 1644-1649. L’individuazione di questi nuovi esemplari consente nuovi approfondimenti sul primo giornalismo italiano e sul suo sistema di giornali a stampa, perché un preciso vaglio dei numeri finora sconosciuti e di quelli già noti è un lavoro preliminare necessario per poter valutare meglio il lavoro giornalistico delle singole redazioni e l'uso delle loro fonti di informazione. Le Gazzette di Milano e gli altri giornali italiani erano ovviamente letti e raccolti a Zurigo negli anni 1640. Purtroppo non sono sopravvissuti nomi locali. Non è possibile dire neanche chi abbia donato i giornali italiani alla Biblioteca civica di Zurigo. Ma si può almeno affermare che ciò deve essere avvenuto già presto, come dimostrano certe note manoscritte sui singoli numeri. Insieme ad altri scritti, questi giornali furono infine rilegati in due grandi volumi nel XVII secolo. Gli antichi giornali italiani e molte altre stampe italiane presenti in questa collezione storica della Zentralbibliothek di Zurigo riflettono le relazioni tra Zurigo e l'Italia settentrionale nel XVII secolo.
  • Vorschaubild
    Die Bücherzensur in der Schweiz von der Reformation bis 1600
    Die Bücherzensur in der Schweiz von der Reformation bis 1600
    (Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2018) Scheidegger, Christian; Zwingliverein (Zürich)
    Printing and the Reformation challenged book censorship in a new dimension. The Swiss confederates did not simply adopt the papal and imperial politics of censorship but discussed own solutions, which were subsequently implemented by the particular governments in their own interests. Committees of censorships were established within the protestant cities of Zurich, Basle and Berne for proving texts before printing. This official measure was intended to avoid conflicts with other governments and to guarantee domestic peace as well. The practice however was somehow fragmentary, mainly before the middle of the 16th century. Numerous complaints were made, prominently by the catholic confederates. The complaining party demanded usually to sequester the controversial publications and to punish the accused printers and authors as a restoration of the violated honour. The Swiss Diet served repeatedly as a mediation body in settling these conflicts. The city authorities conducted investigations against printers and authors, who violated the censorship rules. Unlike printing, the authorities of the protestant cities rarely controlled bookselling, whereas the catholic governments forbade trade and possession of protestant literature. In accordance with these strict regulations they confiscated frequently forbidden books and had them burnt by the executioner.
  • Vorschaubild
    Buchgeschenke, Patronage und protestantische Allianzen
    Buchgeschenke, Patronage und protestantische Allianzen
    (Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2017) Scheidegger, Christian; Zwingliverein (Zürich)
    The so-called Bürgerbibliothek, the first public library in Zurich, was founded in 1629, partly to protect the reformed community in dangerous times. It was made possible by private initiatives and occasionally supported by the city’s authorities. Although lacking public funds, the collection expanded considerably thanks to donations, both from private citizens and from foreign visitors. Most donations and gifts, consisting primarily of books and various objects for the cabinet of curiosities, were meticulously registered in an illuminated manuscript. The donation book is an interesting source of information not only for provenance history, but also for researchers of cultural and social history, as the recorded entries for theologians, merchants, politicians, diplomats and refugees reveal numerous social connections. It is argued that the book donations were not merely voluntary, but that they bear witness to a network of legal deposit, patronage systems and a fascinating gift economy.
  • Vorschaubild
    »Wider die unsinnigen Wiedertäufer«
    »Wider die unsinnigen Wiedertäufer«
    (Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2012) Scheidegger, Christian; Zwingliverein (Zürich)
    The Johann Jakob Simler collection at the Zurich Zentralbibliothek contains a document against Anabaptism that is virtually unknown to modern Reformation history research. The undated poem was by Jörg Syz, who was a former chaplain at the Zurich Fraumunster. The poem provides moral endorsement to its recipient, the pastor Hans Brennwald, who debated with the Anabaptists in Hinwil 1525. The present article addresses the beginnings of the Anabaptist movement in the region of Gruningen on the basis of primary sources and provides an edition of the rediscovered poem.
  • Vorschaubild
    [Rezension zu:] Heinrich Bullinger, Briefe von Januar bis Mai 1546, bearb. von Reinhard Bodenmann/ Alexandra Kess/Judith Steiniger (= Heinrich Bullinger Abt. 2: Briefwechsel), Zürich, Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2014
  • Vorschaubild
    [Rezension zu:] Heinrich Bullinger, Briefe von Juni bis September 1546 (= Heinrich Bullinger Werke, Abt. 2: Briefwechsel, Band 17), und Briefe von Oktober bis Dezember 1546 (= ebd., Band 18), bearb. von Reinhard Bodenmann/Alexandra Kess/Judith Steiniger, Zürich, Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2015 und 2017
  • Vorschaubild
    [Rezension zu:] Heinrich Bullinger, Briefe des Jahres 1545, bearb. von Reinhard Bodenmann et al. (=Heinrich Bullinger Abt. 2: Briefwechsel), Zürich, Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2013
  • Vorschaubild
    Die Liedflugschriften der Zentralbibliothek Zürich
    Die Liedflugschriften der Zentralbibliothek Zürich
    (2020) Scheidegger, Christian; Schweizerische Bibliophilen-Gesellschaft
  • Vorschaubild
    Das Donatorenbuch der Stadtbibliothek Zürich
    Das Donatorenbuch der Stadtbibliothek Zürich
    (2017) Scheidegger, Christian; Schweizerische Bibliophilen-Gesellschaft
  • Vorschaubild
    Conrad Ulrich und die Zürcher Kultur
    Conrad Ulrich und die Zürcher Kultur
    (2014) Hesse, Jochen; Zentralbibliothek Zürich