Aus der Zentralbibliothek Zürich


Gerade angezeigt 1 - 10 von 152
  • Vorschaubild
    Ansprache anlässlich der Beerdigung von Frau Martha Urner-Bruckner, 1861-1949
    Ansprache anlässlich der Beerdigung von Frau Martha Urner-Bruckner, 1861-1949
    (1949) Urner-Bruckner, Martha
    Enthält: Lebenslauf nach den eigenen Aufzeichnungen der Verstorbenen) ; Trauerrede von unbekannt
  • Vorschaubild
    Zur Erinnerung an Herrn Pfarrer Oskar Brändli (1852-1906) zu St. Leonhard in Basel
    Zur Erinnerung an Herrn Pfarrer Oskar Brändli (1852-1906) zu St. Leonhard in Basel
    (Buchdruckerei J. Frehner, 1906) Brandt, Paul
  • Vorschaubild
    Zur Erinnerung an Frau Pfarrer Adèle Heer geb. Koch
    Zur Erinnerung an Frau Pfarrer Adèle Heer geb. Koch
    (Buchdruckerei J. Kaufmanns Wwe., 1907) Miescher, Ernst Gottfried
  • Vorschaubild
    Zur Erinnerung an Frau Sophie Vischer-Heussler von Basel
    Zur Erinnerung an Frau Sophie Vischer-Heussler von Basel
    (Buchdruckerei zum Hirzen A.G., 1916) Gelzer, Karl August Wilhelm
  • Vorschaubild
    Burgermeister Rudolf Wettstein von Basel
    Burgermeister Rudolf Wettstein von Basel
    (1808) Hirzel, Salomon; Stadtbibliothek Zürich; Lips, Johann Heinrich
  • Vorschaubild
    Die Bücherzensur in der Schweiz von der Reformation bis 1600
    Die Bücherzensur in der Schweiz von der Reformation bis 1600
    (Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2018) Scheidegger, Christian; Zwingliverein (Zürich)
    Printing and the Reformation challenged book censorship in a new dimension. The Swiss confederates did not simply adopt the papal and imperial politics of censorship but discussed own solutions, which were subsequently implemented by the particular governments in their own interests. Committees of censorships were established within the protestant cities of Zurich, Basle and Berne for proving texts before printing. This official measure was intended to avoid conflicts with other governments and to guarantee domestic peace as well. The practice however was somehow fragmentary, mainly before the middle of the 16th century. Numerous complaints were made, prominently by the catholic confederates. The complaining party demanded usually to sequester the controversial publications and to punish the accused printers and authors as a restoration of the violated honour. The Swiss Diet served repeatedly as a mediation body in settling these conflicts. The city authorities conducted investigations against printers and authors, who violated the censorship rules. Unlike printing, the authorities of the protestant cities rarely controlled bookselling, whereas the catholic governments forbade trade and possession of protestant literature. In accordance with these strict regulations they confiscated frequently forbidden books and had them burnt by the executioner.
  • Vorschaubild
    Zum Andenken an Herrn Dr. Eduard Thurneysen-Gemuseus
    Zum Andenken an Herrn Dr. Eduard Thurneysen-Gemuseus
    ([Basler Druck- und Verlags-Anstalt], 1900) Thurneysen, Eduard; Gelzer, Karl August Wilhelm; Riggenbach, Eduard
    Enth.: Personalien von dem Verewigten selbst aufgezeichnet ; Ansprache gehalten in der Engelgass-Kapelle am 15. November 1900 durch Herrn Pfarrer K. Gelzer ; Worte am Grabe gesprochen von Professor Riggenbach-Thurneysen
  • Vorschaubild
    Zur Erinnerung an Herrn Professor Rudolf Staehelin-Stockmeyer, Dr. theol. et phil.
    Zur Erinnerung an Herrn Professor Rudolf Staehelin-Stockmeyer, Dr. theol. et phil.
    (Basler Druck- und Verlags-Anstalt, 1900) Salis, Arnold von; Bornemann, Wilhelm; Wernle, Paul; Matthieu, Jean; Stockmeyer, Karl; Scheller, D.
  • Vorschaubild
    Hermann Christ-Socin, 12. Dezember 1833 bis 23. November 1933
    Hermann Christ-Socin, 12. Dezember 1833 bis 23. November 1933
    ([Verlag nicht ermittelbar], 1934) Senn, Gustav
  • Vorschaubild
    Zur Erinnerung an Dr. August Bernoulli-Burckhardt